Work from Home

Work from home

Remote Office / Branch Office

Turn remote possibilities into reality

with our remote working solutions

Remote Workforce?

The new digital workplace now includes the home. We may be in the post-pandemic world, but its changed the game in the long term. Businesses now choose remote working options for all sorts of reasons; costs, convenience, employee satisfaction, distance...

With your workforce working remotely, do you have the right solutions and technology? Do you have the right security and contingencies?

Are you as productive as you were before? Less? More vulnerable?

We have all the right solutions, services and support to keep you in action as you transition to, or aspire to be, a fully connected and protected remote workforce.

1. Home Working Audit

Your first step is a free & comprehensive review of your current infrastructure. This will involve an audit of your remote workforce situation and / or potential remote workforce set up.

2. Report

After we've audited your current or potential remote working situation, we will compile a concise report - to include potential issues, improvements, how it could be deployed and supported.

3. Consultation

After we have produced your report, we can discuss your options with you and advise you on the right solutions to get your workforce ready for remote working with minimal delay.

Are you ready to turn remote possibilities into reality?

Then talk to us on 0345 124 3440 or fill in the form below.

Are you protected?

If you had to make your workforce more remote due to Covid-19, your cyber security situation got a whole lot more complicated and precarious. Attacks are on the rise too, with more remote workers than ever.

Simplify IT can audit your cyber security infrastructure and identify where you're vulnerable and what you need to do to protect your staff and thus your business. We are experts at dealing with SMEs, so all solutions will be catered for your business and your budget.

I want be protected

Are you connected?

How do you communicate with your staff and your customers? How does your staff communicate? Do you have the right software and hardware? Are your emails archived properly? How about data storage? VPN? VDI? Phone systems?

There's a lot to consider, and it can be overwhelming. Don't worry, we have it all covered for you. We'll recommend the right set up for your business and support you throughout the process. From supplying to set up, installation and 24/7 support.

I want to be connected

Are you supported?

How many people on your IT team? Do you even have one? Simplify IT can be your IT team. Not only will we advise you on choosing the right solutions, and get it set up for you, we can make sure it runs smoothly, too.

We can manage anything from a single technology to your entire infrastructure with our employees onsite. Our flexible approach allows you to choose the services that are right for you. 

You'll have enough to do running your business remotely, let us run your IT for you.

I want to be supported

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